Tag: Facebook

Political Ads on Facebook

The following information was shared with ELGL by Eva Guidarini, a member of Facebook’s U.S. Politics & Government Outreach team.  ELGL is working with Eva on a GovLove podcast episode to further clarify and define local government advertising restrictions. Facebook is currently defining a political ad as any ad that: Is made by, on behalf of, or about a … Continued

Fake News & True Eye Openers (#ELGL18 Preview!)

Right Now with Nick Smith (Linkedin/Twitter) What I’m reading:  The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication by Alberto Cairo What I’m watching: I recently stumbled upon Doug DeMuro and his car review channel on YouTube and I’m not a car guy at all, but the joy he conveys in doing what he loves is just … Continued

No, you don’t need to #DeleteFacebook

Right Now with Nick Smith (Linkedin/Twitter) What I’m reading: remember when I was excited to start Science & The City? I haven’t read a single page yet. All news and white papers. Sad. What I’m watching: Most Extreme Elimination Challenge — in 1980s Japan, game show debuted where 100 contestants tried to summit a mountain of … Continued

The Long Tail of Neighborhood Social Media

Perhaps you’re familiar with a concept called the Long Tail. It’s a statistical concept that has been applied to all sorts of real-world situations, from retail production to game design. It holds true in the world of social media platforms, too.

Devising a Strong Communications Plan

By: Bridget Doyle Kozlowski We answer to many bosses in local government, but at the core of it all, the taxpayers and community are the people we serve. The best way to gain support and aid in transparency is to share the reasoning and hard work behind municipal decision making with the public. As a government … Continued

Is Social Media a Fad?

Socialnomics 2012 – The importance of Social Media! [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3jhe657AoLs&w=560&h=315]

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