Tag: Forest Grove

Gaining Support for a Sustainability Plan with Nyssa Rivera

Nyssa Rivera works for the City of Forest Grove, OR. Her column will walk you through the creation and adoption of a sustainability plan. Gaining Support for a Sustainability Plan by Nyssa Rivera- LinkedIn and Twitter In October of 2011, the City of Forest Grove convened a Sustainability Institute which was attended by sixteen residents. These residents … Continued

Deep Thoughts with Rachel Sykes, PSU MPA Student

Prepare for #ELGL14 by learning about who is attending. Find out if you’ll be surrounded by soft talkers, loud eaters, and finger biters or whether you’ll be surrounded by the best in local government. Rachel Sykes Portland State University – MPA Student Complete the sentence) #ELGL14 is………an exciting conference that will help me network, learn, and eat … Continued

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