COVID-19 Equity Ambassadors
Free if accepted | Register interest by April 30
The COVID-19 outbreak is forcing public servants to make decisions at an unprecedented pace. With a disease that disproportionately impacts our most vulnerable — from the elderly to low-income — decisions made without these communities in mind risk exacerbating current inequities.
In times of crisis, it is more important than ever to put equity at the center of decision-making.
That’s why ELGL and Apolitical are hosting a “COVID-19 Equity Ambassadors” program. It’s meant for public servants thinking about the impact of COVID-19 on any policy — health, business, transportation, digital equity or inclusion, you name it.
And it’s all virtual!
What you’ll learn
Over five weeks, you will:
- Learn how a crisis like COVID-19 affects equity in different policy areas
- Be exposed to interesting ideas on equity from the US and abroad
- Create a piece of thought leadership on how you could apply what you’ve learned to respond to inequities exacerbated by COVID
- Connect with a cohort of like-minded public servants who are thinking about COVID across different policy areas
- Attend one online workshop with experts from around the globe
- Explore new skills and policy approaches such as storytelling and communication, evidence-based policymaking, creative ways to reach inclusion and digital equity, and using data
Upon completion, you will be recognised as a ‘COVID-19 Equity Ambassador’, including digital branding for your email signature, website, and social, as well as a print certificate from ELGL and Apolitical.
Who it’s for
This is available for ELGL members. Not a member? You can join today as an individual for just $40 per year.
What we ask of you
If you are accepted, cohort resources are completely free and will require no more than 10 flexible hours of your time over six weeks (around 1 hour per week plus an additional few hours to write your article). However, we are looking for people to commit to completing the full programme in the allotted time.
To get started, all you need to do is register interest by April 30.
Important dates can be found below:
Applications Accepted: April 6-April 30, 2020
Selections Announced: May 4, 2020
Program Dates: May 6, 2020-June 5, 2020
Online Workshop: May 27, 2020
Course structure:
- Weeks 1 and 2: Boot camp: A structured email micro-series drawing on wide-ranging content, which reflects the topics of most interest to the cohort.
- Week 3: Online workshop: One online event where you can hear from an expert or panel of experts, globally and/or within the US, on integrating equity into public service.
- Weeks 4 and 5: Writing an article and contributing to someone else’s: The opportunity to write an article and get paired with someone else to review each other’s work, and the ability to share your work on ELGL & Apolitical platforms.
Register Now!
I’m not a member of Apolitical, but I’m interested in becoming an Equity Ambassador!
I’m a member of Apolitical, and I’m interested in becoming an Equity Ambassador!