It’s January 1! In this post, I look forward to a new year filled with opportunities and excitement. The biggest question, I am sure many of you have been asked today is, what is your New Year’s Resolution?!?! For me, a few come to mind: When I have to write a date, I have a … Continued
While working on a paper for grad school, I came across an interesting statistic. According to a 2018 Pew Research Center poll, “two-thirds of those surveyed (67%) have a favorable opinion of their local government, compared with 35% for the federal government. In addition, nearly three-quarters (73%) say the quality of candidates running for local … Continued
Fellow Board Member Stacy Schweikhart started the #ELGLThankful hashtag. She has posted thirty days’ worth of gratitude on behalf of ELGL. The campaign led me to ask myself, “what am I most thankful to have experienced related to ELGL?” For me, it is the amazing people I have met and our experiences at the ICMA … Continued
Submitted by: Christian M. Williams With the elections only two weeks away, I caught myself asking, “How could anyone have the courage to run for office?” I used to, somewhat jokingly say, “I want to be the Mayor one day.” Today more than ever, this childhood fantasy quest has made me increasingly ask, “Would … Continued
Submitted by: Denise A. Katula, CPM, Manager of Leadership & Talent Development, County of Somerset, New Jersey Ok. I’m just going to put it out there. I celebrated my 50th birthday this year. I spent a fair amount of time looking back as well as forward and I became aware that I wasn’t focusing on my own … Continued