Today’s Buzz is brought to you by Dan Weinheimer. What I’m listening to – So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo (cannot recommend enough!) What I’m reading – The Book of Beautiful Questions by Warren Berger I started a new job today… well yesterday by the time you’re reading this. This job, as City Manager … Continued
Susan Barkman is the Management Analyst in the Mayor and City Council Office in Aurora, Colorado. Connect on Twitter or Linkedin. Last week, I started a new job within my organization. Any time you transition to a new job there is a lot that happens both in terms of paperwork and in wrapping things up. … Continued
Today’s Buzz is by Alisha Janes (Find her on Twitter and LinkedIn) What I am watching: Schitt’s Creek What I am listening to: Episode 684 of This American Life, Burn it Down What I am reading: The Testaments by Margaret Atwood This month I was honored to interview for a town manager position in an incredibly beautiful Colorado mountain town. … Continued
By Greg Stopka, Strategy and Innovation Manager, Park District of Oak Park In 2011, I accepted the position of central region director with the Alliance for Innovation, leaving the local government world I had spent three years in previously as a budget intern and an assistant to the city administrator. Leaving what many consider the … Continued
Job hunting in local government can suck. Someone once counseled me that for every job I secured, I would need to complete upwards of 10 to 15 applications (and that might be conservative!). The processes are too long, there is too much mystery in the selection process or those panel interviews are set up to … Continued
In the series, ELGL members can anonymously send their questions, difficulties or scenarios to and receive a response from the ghost writing response team. Your name, organization and other details will not be shared in the posting or subsequent response. Dear Ellie & Jill, A promotion opportunity has come open in my City due to retirement. I don’t … Continued
In the series, ELGL members can anonymously send their questions, difficulties or scenarios to and receive a response from the ghost writing response team. Your name, organization and other details will not be shared in the posting or subsequent response. Dear Ellie & Jill, I’ve been working with my City for 5 years. I started as a management … Continued
In the series, ELGL members can anonymously send their questions, difficulties or scenarios to and receive a response from the ghost writing response team. Your name, organization and other details will not be shared in the posting or subsequent response. Dear Ellie & Jill, I’m a new supervisor, and I am responsible for providing annual reviews and job … Continued
Ellie & Jill received this message from Gifted: Thanks for providing this great venue to get some real answers. What’s the proper etiquette on gifting in a local government organization? We have blessedly 9 months before Christmas, so it would be great if you could share who I should give gifts to. I am worried … Continued
Submit your questions to Ellie & Jill using the anonymous form at or by emailing From PoliSci Bachelor: Thank you for taking time to answer people’s questions and begin a series of open discussions. I have a question that perhaps many younger people thinking of entering the world of local government would be interested … Continued