#CCCMA in Glenwood Springs, CO 2017

Posted on January 26, 2017

Glenwood Springs, CO

Greetings from the CCCMA Winter Conference in Glenwood Springs! It’s snowing and absolutely beautiful here. And the hospitality is off the charts. Beers and burgers last night at Doc Holliday’s Tavern, now… local government awesomeness.

The conference started with a keynote by Bob Lavigna of CPS Consulting; he covered the gamut of why government should care about employee engagement. He covered the business case regarding increased performance and outcomes and scared us all with some alarming statistics. (Fact check: I think the average age statistic is for federal jobs, I’m working on getting more on this and will report back).

Our thoughts during Brian Elms’, from Denver Peak Academy, presentation on Democratizing Innovation: how you can innovate without money, more people or new technology:

Here we are getting ready for our awesome session on attracting, training and keeping the new (now) generation: culture, innovation and technology.

Intrigued? Check it out…

Our live feed got cut off near the end so, here’s our slide deck.

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