And We’re Off!
This week, the amazing Diversity Dashboard Research Coordinators began sending out surveys to every city/county/town/local government entity in the states where we’ve compiled directory information.
Responses are rolling in and the hard work of our Research Managers is paying off – data is arrayed in such a way that we can already see trends across states and soon we’ll be able to compare and contrast based on region, population, form of government, etc. As soon as we have more data, we’ll start sharing it via our OpenGov site so everyone has access to this important information.
We’ve had people ask “how can I help?” and the answer is really easy:
If your state is in orange – tweet/post/share/encourage your friends who work for cities to complete the Diversity Dashboard survey that’s sitting in their inbox. And also share your thanks that these states have been so forthcoming and participatory!
If your state is inĀ green – we need you to be an ELGL enforcer and help us work with existing municipal organizations to get contact information. Think about it: do we want our Research Coordinators Googling contact information for every city in the state, or do we want them conducting the research on race, gender, age, and veteran status that we’re seeking? In some of these states, we haven’t heard back from anyone we’ve contacted at the municipal association and so any contacts you have would be really useful.
Please join me in thanking our Research Coordinators for their tireless work on this project. They’re cranking through spreadsheets that have arrived in all forms of organization, and they’re doing it with grace and style. And, Libby Seguin and Lauren Stott, our Research Managers, are managing the team of 10 to get the work done and they’re keeping the project moving forward at a fast pace.
Also, please remember the state of the data received is changing fluidly, so follow along with our updates and make sure we get it right!