#ELGL18 takes place May 16, 17, and 18 in Golden, Colorado. In the coming days, we’ll announce each of the speakers and sessions. You can register for #ELGL18 here.
“Somewhere out there, a city council meeting is happening. And you’re not watching it. But I am. Each week, I bring you the highlights, lowlights, and weirdlights from places you don’t live.”
Michael Karlik, the genius behind City Council Chronicles, brings his comedy and observations to #ELGL18. Michael watches your city council meetings so you don’t have to. His goal of the project is to bring transparency to government in an entertaining and informative way. Michael was named a “Top 100 Local Government Influencer” by ELGL in 2016 and 2017.
Here’s what you’ll hear from Michael at #ELGL18.
When a small group of insurgents seized control of their city council, they had one goal: to “drain the swamp.” It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t pretty. And it nearly shut down the government. But were they right to do it? Michael Karlik is the host of Tear It Down, an audio story about a small town feud fueled by money, power, and distrust. The result was a total reformation in city hall–and it came at a price.
Supplemental Reading
- Greensboro, NC Council Member Justin Outling (with podcast)
- Richfield, MN 3/27/18
- Pullman, WA 3/13/18
- Interview with Michael Karlik, Founder of City Council Chronicles
#ELGL18 Sessions
- David Sewell McCann, Sparkle Stories
- Are Libraries Considered Essential Services in Local Government and Public Education?
- Real-Time Decision Making
- The Shape of Water
- State of the City with Scott Lazenby, Author & City Manager
- The Straight-Up Story to Empower Innovation in Your Government through Process Improvement