Midwest ELGL is off and running. After hosting a great webinar and announcing our new Advisory Board last week, we’re feeling pretty unstoppable. Thus, we’re elated to announce our first in-person networking event the spring: (Click here for MidwestELGLmeetup event poster)
Midwest ELGL presents… the Local Government “Evening Buzz”
Join the newly formed Midwest arm of Emerging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) for an informational networking event this spring. Light appetizers and information about the foward-thinking, passionate group of young professionals will be served up fresh.
Come for a craft beer, conversation and idea sharing related to #localgov.
Who: Government and public service professionals
What: A chance to learn more about ELGL and meet
your friends in public service
Where: Beer House, 322 Yorktown Shopping Center,
Lombard, IL 60148
When: 5 to 7 p.m., Thursday, May 22
Questions? Contact Midwest ELGL Leadership Team:
Bridget Doyle – bridget@sarahhellems.wpengine.com
Ben McCready – benm@sarahhellems.wpengine.com
John McCarter – john@sarahhellems.wpengine.com
Mark your calendars and help us spread the word! ELGL will be providing appetizers for the event too – who says no to free food? Not us, that’s for sure.
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