Building Community and Rebuilding Connections
11:00am - 12:00pm
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Even at the best of times, authentic, inclusive, and effective public engagement looks very different from traditional, 3-minutes-at-a-microphone, public comment.
Even after COVID-19 mandates are lifted, local government resources will be more limited, while complex issues such as housing, homelessness, workforce development, and the gig economy will only be amplified. In order to address these challenges, local governments will have to do a better job of engaging a more diverse cross-section of residents as partners in both policymaking and program delivery.
The good news? Residents are hungry for community right now! This webinar will explore creative ways local leaders are investing in building community in the midst of this crisis so that their communities can come out stronger than ever on the other side.
- Moderator: Ashley Labosier, Executive Director, Davenport Institute
- Panelist 1: Lacey Beatty, Council President, City of Beaverton, OR
- Panelist 2: Rick Usher, Assistant City Manager, City of Kansas City, MO