Reimagining Police Services
9:30am - 10:30am
Nick Kittle of Sustainovation and ELGL are partnering to host a webinar on reimagining the police. This webinar is intended to be a thoughtful mindshare to discuss the concept of reimagining police services. Yes, its the third rail of local politics and we’re going to try and tackle it together. With “Defund the Police” becoming a rallying cry across the country, how should communities respond? With 35-50% of most city and county budgets being dedicated to police services, this timely discussion will explore how police services can be reimagined. Let’s be real: any real reforms in police will take time, but it starts with the courage to explore a topic that has been local gov taboo and have the conversation. It is incumbent upon us to engage. Whether you think police should be defunded or not.
And we should not tackle this topic alone. We should share best practices and ideas so we can make progress and not just change.
What does “defunding” mean? How could it work? For those considering this, what are the critical first steps? What programs could benefit from reallocation? What role should police play in communities? What other models or concepts could be used to determine how equity and inclusion are a part of the funding for police? What ideas do YOU have on how funding could work? How can you stay on top of the community pulse and be proactive instead of reactive?
This one hour mindshare is a space to have a brave conversation and tackle a difficult topic. I don’t expect it to be easy, but I expect it to be respectful and candid with the goal of informing the whole. So we can build a better tomorrow together.
Sign up online here: