Webinar: Using Data to Design Resident-Centered Programs

MarMarch 5 2020

10:00am - 11:00am

Webinar Dayton OH

Registration for this webinar is required! Sign up here!

In many cities, the resident survey is a tool for establishing broad priorities (reduce crime, invest in infrastructure) or measuring progress toward a specific goal (Ensure 55% of residents are satisfied with the snow removal on city streets), but the City of Dayton, OH does more. 

In Dayton, the annual survey regularly inspires resident-centered programming that improves residents’ experience of everything from welcoming immigrants to drinking the tap water. 

In this webinar, Hilary Browning, Senior Management Analyst at the City of Dayton and survey administrator, will tell three powerful stories that illustrate how the city mobilizes around key findings from the survey and share principles that other cities can adopt to achieve similar results.

The stories:

  • Developing an identity as an immigrant-friendly community through “Welcome Dayton”
  • Focus on neighborhood renewal after successful effort on Downtown investment and job
  • Creation of new Public Works programs, road repaving, and curbside leaf clean-up, after
    feedback about poor road conditions

Topics we’ll cover:

  • How to design survey questions that will capture resident experience and attitudes on issues that many cities shy away from (e.g. drug interactions, immigration, guns)
  • How to use trend, geographic, and demographic analyses to find insights that reveal programming needs and opportunities
  • How to use data visualization and storytelling to make insights “sticky” for stakeholders 
  • How to get buy-in from city leadership and department staff for creating programs or making program changes based on survey results and other data
  • How to ensure the survey results are easily accessible to stakeholders so they can use it for ongoing discussions and decision-making
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