The Expert Resume Man is back! And to help you out while writing your resume he has a list of questions to ask yourself.
When Writing Your Resume…
Do you have responsibility for operating budgets? Capital budgets? Have you been able to reduce annual costs? How? In what areas? By how much?
Did you lead, manage and/or participate in any joint ventures, strategic alliances, partnerships, spin-offs or new economic development initiatives? Who were the players involved and what was the financial impact?
What have you done to improve productivity, efficiency and performance? Detail the specific initiatives, who was involved, how long the project took and what the financial results were.
Any notable technology improvements you’ve spearheaded? What technologies did you implement and for what specific business functions? What were the results? Can you quantify?
Have you resolved any major issues impacting the organization? Problems with finance? Problems with staffing or management? Problems with regulatory compliance? Tax issues? Organizational issues?