Today’s Morning Buzz is brought to you by Christopher Leonard, Administrative Supervisor for the City of Fort Lauderdale. You can connect with him via LinkedIn
What I’m Listening To: Meditation Station
What I’m Watching: Watching the new Spiderman this week
What I’m Reading: Enjoy reading shares about generosity and community engagement.
While COVID-19 impacts were undeniably challenging in 2020, it is important to recognize the continued effort to assist in serving those most vulnerable and in need. Adaptability was essential as many public servants modified the way that we provide service or conduct business. Given the challenges faced, I felt a deep sense of perseverance develop among those providing support.
As we moved into 2021, the challenges of yesteryear were evident. Many were trying to understand what the new “normal” might consist of. Recognizing the hardships faced was essential to empowering those in need and cultivating the level of resiliency needed to make a meaningful impact.
This holiday season, I have witnessed more giving and more thanks than ever. I am so very proud of those that are joining to provide and serve those with needs. I am very thankful for those who continue to equitably address needs and provide quality services.
We have done some extraordinary work in the last two years. In 2022, let’s remember the impact of adaptability, perseverance, empowerment, resiliency, equity, and gratitude. Go into the new year with an open mind and an open heart, to serve as inclusive and kind as possible. Consider this year how you can help those most impacted to heal and recover.