Jason May
Assistant to the City Manager, City of Kannapolis, NC
So far, what’s your proudest accomplishment in 2019
Taking a long weekend hiking with my wife. Between three kids, two soccer programs, selling a house, and our seemingly never-ending list of commitments, my wife and I do not get as much time together as we would like. We took a three-day weekend and hiked at Table Rock State Park outside of Pickens, SC. No kids, no phones, and no TV. Came back feeling completely recharged and ready to take on another budget season. ?
Valentines Day is in February. What do you “love” about your job?
I learn something new every day. From groundhog removal to carousel maintenance to paygrades and compression, I am constantly learning something new in my position.
(Complete the sentence) Before I die I want to…
Through hike the Appalachian Trail. The dedication and determination to spend six months hiking from Georgia to Maine is incredibly appealing to me. Spending six months in the mountains, enjoying nature is just the icing on top.
10 Year Challenge! What were you doing in 2009? How did it help you reach your current position?
In 2009, I was a Child Protective Services (CPS) Social Worker. Working at CPS gave me the soft skills and emotional intelligence to be successful in management. I learned so much about relationship building, authenticity, and self-control from my time at CPS. Not a day goes by where I do not apply those lessons in my current position.
(Complete the sentence) The first time I heard about ELGL was…
At the 2017 NC Local Government Budget Association Summer Conference.
What question should we have asked? What’s the answer?
How do you like your bar-b-que, vinegar or tomato?
This is the first question half the state of NC will when meeting you. The answer is bar-b-que tofu in mustard based sauce (I am a traitor to my state as mustard based sauce is from SC). Yum yum.