The convening is being organized by the Local Government Big Thinkers, a grassroots group of local government professionals and academics founded in 2020 to identify and implement initiatives addressing the NAPA Grand Challenges.
Local Government 2030 – “Lessons for the Future: A Convening of Practitioners” will bring together 50 delegates under the age of 40 – all representing cities, counties and regional councils around the United States – to help shape the future of local governance. Apply online to join the convening, which will take place Nov. 4-6, 2022 on the University of Nebraska Omaha Campus.
This is a once-in-a-career opportunity for delegates, who will develop ideas on how local government delivers services to ensure we meet the current and future needs of our communities.
Delegates will be the best and brightest practitioners who represent all services provided by local government. Their charge: Break silos and create a groundwork for change.
Grand Challenges
In 2019, the National Academy of Public Administration issued a call to all government professionals to address the “Grand Challenges” facing our nation. In response, an ad hoc group of local government professionals around the country started meeting in 2020 to develop actionable projects to meet these Grand Challenges. One consistent message emerged from these discussions: We need individuals from all local government professions to come together to provide leadership on implementing solutions. No one group can do it alone.
Now, a coalition of local government professionals – joined by more than 25 professional associations – are ready to take the next step.
The convening is modeled after the Minnowbrook conferences, which started in 1968 and continued in 1988 and 2018 to reimagine the field of public administration.
Who Should Apply?
We are searching for 50 local government practitioners under the age of 40 that represent a broad spectrum of race, gender and geographies.
In addition, delegates will be selected from the following local government disciplines (no fewer than two or greater than five delegates from each of the following):
- General Administration (Managers, Attorneys and Clerks)
- Finance or Budgeting
- Public Works or Utilities (including Water, Wastewater and Transportation)
- Administrative Services (including Human Resources, Information Technology, Communications, Equity and Sustainability)
- Community Services (including Parks, Recreation, Library and Arts)
- Public Safety and Human Services (including Police, Fire, Public Health and Social Services)
- Planning and Economic Development (including Community Development and Housing)
Participants will:
- Meet new colleagues from around the country with a similar passion for service.
- Receive a $500 stipend to assist with travel and accommodation costs for the convening in Omaha.
- While there is no cost to attend the Convening, delegates are responsible for travel and lodging costs to attend. Some meals will be provided.
The November 2022 convening will kick off a year-long process. Delegates will work with their professional peers throughout 2023 to further refine their initiatives. In the Fall of 2023, a larger group of local government association leaders will convene with the delegates to provide feedback on the delegates’ proposed new initiatives and formalize next steps.
July 2022
- Delegates selected
August 2022
- Delegates placed into subgroups for pre-work before convening
September 2022
- Delegates will work in subgroups to develop short papers on their vision for the future of local government
- First 90-minute video pre-convening workshop
October 2022
- Complete vision papers and circulate to all delegates
- Second 90-minute video pre-convening workshop
November 2022
- Delegates meet at National Convening Nov. 4-6 at the University of Nebraska, Omaha
First and Second Quarter 2023
- Delegates work on initiatives identified at the National Convening and develop an agenda for second convening with stakeholder groups
Third Quarter 2023
- Finalize agenda for second convening
Fourth Quarter 2023
- Second convening with stakeholder groups to begin implementation of identified initiatives
How to Apply
To be considered as a delegate, complete this application and submit it by 5 p.m. Pacific Time July 1, 2022.
Platinum Sponsors
MissionSquare Retirement
School of Public Administration, University of Nebraska Omaha
Gold Sponsors
Strategic Government Resources
Bronze Sponsor
League of Women in Government
Organizational Sponsors
Alliance for Innovation
American Public Works Association
American Water Works Association
City-County Communications and Marketing Association
Engaging Local Government Leaders
Government Finance Officers Association of the US and Canada
Illinois Association of Municipal Management Assistants
International Association of Fire Chiefs
International City/County Management Association
International Economic Development Council
International Institute of Municipal Clerks
International Municipal Lawyers Association
International Network of Asian Public Administrators
Local Government Hispanic Network
Municipal Management Assistants of Northern California
Municipal Management Assistants of Southern California
National Academy of Public Administration
National Association of Counties
National Association of County Administrators
National Association of Regional Councils
National Forum for Black Public Administrators
National League of Cities
National Recreation and Parks Association
Urban Management Assistants of Central Texas
Urban Management Assistants of North Texas
Urban Management Assistants of Southeast Texas
The convening is being organized by the Local Government Big Thinkers, a grassroots group of local government professionals and academics founded in 2020 to identify and implement initiatives addressing the NAPA Grand Challenges.
Wally Bobkiewicz, City Administrator
City of Issaquah, Washington
wallyb@issaquahwa.gov or 425-837-3020