New Sensation with Nick Herrera, State of Oregon

Posted on March 18, 2013


Since ELGL is not a big fan of icebreakers and since we would rather not know what animal you want to be, this blog feature will serve as a means of introducing new members. While you won’t learn about their favorite animal, you will learn about their ideal Sunday morning, which dead people would they FaceTime with, and which song best describes their life.

Nick Herrera


Current PositionCommittee Assistant, State of Oregon

Previous Experience: Research Assistant, League of Oregon Cities and Management Intern, City of Independence

Education: Bachelor of Science, Public Policy and Administration, Western Oregon University


Q&A with Nick

Most interesting project you’ve worked on in your current position:download (1)

Prior work experience at the League of Oregon Cities gave me the opportunity to work on various property tax projects. Specifically, conducting a research project comparing Oregon’s property tax system to those of other states.

What do you think about when you are driving to work/school?

I shouldn’t be up…

Most recent concert you attended:

Zac Brown Band in San Francisco


What sites are bookmarked on your internet browser?

Proudest career/school accomplishment:

Landing my current position

What song best describes your life?

‘Toes” by The Zac Brown Band.

Suggest two or three topics for the ELGL Annual Conference at the Kennedy School on October 4.

How to restructure the local government finance/revenue systems to provide better long-term financial planning.

If you could FaceTime or Skype with three people either dead or alive, who would they be?

  • Oregon Governor Tom McCall
  • My grandpa Loy
  • Martin Luther King Jr

Your work/school mentors:Western Oregon University political science professor Mark Henkels questions whether the university's administration has done its best in negotiations for faculty wages.

Professor Mark Henkels, Western Oregon University

Allegra Willhite from the League of Oregon Cities

Favorite thing to do on a Sunday morning:

Sleep in!!

(Fill in the blank) Government is…..

or can be a great tool for solving societal problems

(Fill in the blank) ELGL is….

the best local government resources I have come across.

Previous Profiles

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