ELGL has partnered with Washington City/County Management Association to promote the Northwest Women’s Leadership Academy (NWWLA) and their 2019 cohort! To support the program and efforts, ELGL has extended complimentary membership to the women participating in the NWWLA 2019 cohort.
ELGL is profiling the NWWLA participants to grow their local government network, and showcase their resumes, work experiences, and perspectives.
Shannon Kelley-Fong
Senior Policy Analyst, City of Lakewood
Why were you interested in participating in NWWLA?
To connect and learn from other strong women in local government.
What NWWLA session are you most looking forward to and why?
Class 3 – Leading your team through the budget process. My city is currently in the process of doing this so I am very curious to hear what they have to say.
What advice do you have for women considering local government as a career?
Don’t consider – do.
How can local government organizations advance and support women leaders?
Help shine light on – and remove – the deeply embedded barriers that exist in many local government organizations.
Fun fact about yourself
I have a dog named Quinn – named after Dr. Michaela Quinn, yes that Dr. Quinn.
About the NWWLA:
The NWWLA’s goal is to advance women from a variety of backgrounds in local government into leadership roles. Women have been, and are, underrepresented in the profession.
Building a professional support network and addressing issues that are unique to women in the profession are necessary to address this imbalance.
The NWWLA includes six day-long sessions presented by recognized public sector leaders and hosted by jurisdictions in the Central Puget Sound. Topics include: Strategic Planning, Interviewing, Finance, and more!