Sarah George
Athens-Clarke County Unified Government
Assistant to the Manager
Positive, Energetic, Dedicated
Sarah works tirelessly for the citizens and employees of Athens-Clarke County, going way above and beyond expectations. She works long hours and never complains. She eagerly embraces new tasks and projects and sees everything through to completion. Even though her own work load is very heavy, she is always willing to help other employees and departments complete projects when they need help. Sarah is a true team player.
Sarah has served in a variety of roles across Athens-Clarke County Unified Government (ACCGov). She started working in local government as a part time employee at Athens Ben-Epps Airport. She spent time in ACCGov’s Organizational Development office and is now in the Manager’s Office. Each step of the way, Sarah has exemplified a love of localgov and the value of service to residents and fellow employees. She is an inspiration and shining example of what it mean to be a Traeger Award winner. Sarah supervises a few ACCGov Departments, tackles a variety of special projects, and is heavily involved in the agenda process. Sarah is a problem solver and integral leader in not only the Manager’s Office, but the entire organization. When you work with Sarah on a project you remember why you love LocalGov. She is ACCGov’s Chris Traeger no doubt.
She serves not only the manager’s office, but she cares about people from all walks of life. She gives of your time to help and assist in the community. She mentors executive leadership and advocates for education and empathy as a pattern of every day behavior. She deserves recognition for your hard work and dedication.
Sarah has a knack for spotting what needs to be done and making it her responsibility to see things through. She came into her current position at a time of transition for our government, had little precedent for the duties of said position, embraced it, ran with it, and made it her own. She routinely tackles varied and complex jobs for which no standard procedure exists, and always succeeds, frequently in the face of tight deadlines.
I wish we could infuse all of our 1,700 employees with a Shot o’ Sarah, or make ’em drink a Tincture of George.