Tag: EveryBlock

Relive the Everyblock and Neighborhood-level Media Webinar

A huge thanks to Nick d’Angelo and Matthew Summy of the Comcast/Everyblock for participating in our innovation webinar series. If you didn’t have a chance to tune in and watch the webinar live don’t worry we have it archived below!   #ELGLInnovation Nick d’Angelo and Matthew Summy’s presentation explained neighborhood-level media, including Everyblock. If you missed the webinar … Continued

Innovation Series: Everyblock, News & Social Media for Neighborhoods

The next installment of our Innovation Webinar Series is on October 22nd with Everyblock, a service that aims to bring news and social media down to a neighborhood level. So join us at Noon PT, you can register and learn more below. Register for the Everyblock Webinar on October 22nd How are they innovative? The … Continued

Innovation! A Webinar Series

ELGL is excited to announce a webinar series all about innovation! Check out the lineup of speakers and mark your calendars for these great learning opportunities. Innovation! Innovation is a popular buzz word especially in local government and there seem to be speakers, classes, seminars and more, extolling the virtues of innovation or telling organizations how … Continued

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