Tag: Metro

The Takeaway with Dan Cooper, Former Metro Attorney

The Takeaway with Dan Cooper Former Metro Attorney and Former Metro Acting Chief Operating Officer It is difficult to write this feature without thinking about everyone’s favorite TGIF show “Hanging with Mr. Cooper.” However, we are confident Dan has heard enough “Hanging with Mr. Cooper” and D.B Cooper references to last a lifetime. We hope … Continued

Hello My Name Is . . . .

Welcome new members! Rachael Fuller, Gresham Senior Operations Manager Jazzmin Reece, Urban League of Portland, Young Professionals Ryan Kinsella, City of Portland Elections Officer Sami Jarrah, Multnomah County Health Department, Strategy & Policy Analysis Manager Josh Lipscomb, Metro Property and Project Management Office Courtney L. Dausz, Mersereau Shannon LLP Colin Baenziger, Colin Baenziger & Associates Peter Pincetl, Multnomah … Continued

Keeping up with Barbara – July ELGL Speaker

ELGL will host a conversation with Barbara Roberts on July 12. Keeping up with Barbara More than two decades after her election to Oregon’s highest office, Barbara Roberts is still busy working on regional planning at Metro and hitting the high points of her “bucket list” BY JANIE NAFSINGER Pamplin Media Group, Feb 15, 2012 Former … Continued

ELGL & OMFOA Joint Meeting with TriMet GM Neil McFarlane

TriMet General Manager Neil McFarlane will be the guest speaker on Thursday, February 9, 2012 at a joint luncheon between ELGL and the OMFOA Developing Professionals. The luncheon will begin at 11:45 a.m. in room 1E of the State’s main office building in Portland. The room is on the first floor, accessible through the cafeteria. … Continued

July Luncheon: Former Governor Barbara Roberts

Please mark your calendars for Thursday, July 12, 2012, for an ELGL brown-bag session with former Oregon Governor and current Metro Councilor Barbara Roberts. Governor Roberts will share some of her insights and valuable lessons learned about leadership through four decades of public service. Previous to her service as Oregon’s first woman governor, she was … Continued

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