ELGL Featured in Washington Finance Officers Association

Huge thanks to Heidi Starks, ELGL member and President of Oregon Municipal Finance Officers Association, for writing an article about ELGL that appears in the September edition of the Washington Finance Officers Association newsletter. ELGL appreciates the continued support of finance officers throughout the county and we look forward to future partnership opportunities. Check out page 7 … Continued

Fiscal Health & Wellness Through Priority Based Budgeting

Please join ELGL, OMFOA, Center for Priority Based Budgeting, and the Alliance for Innovation for a unique joint session focused on creative, innovative local government budgeting: Fiscal Health & Wellness Through Priority Based Budgeting June 12, 2013 @ Noon City of Portland, 8th Floor Conference Room, 111 SW Columbia Avenue Presenters: Jon Johnson (Center for … Continued

08.24.12 Knope of the Week – Pat Mobley

The votes are in and the results have been tabulated: after a week of nominations and voting by our community, ELGL is thrilled to announce the winner of the Knope of the Week! As a reminder, The Knope of the Week honors individuals or groups who have done the most in the past week to advance … Continued

08.10.12 Knope of the Week

The votes are in and the results have been tabulated: after a week of nominations and voting by our community, ELGL is thrilled to announce the winner of the Knope of the Week! As a reminder, The Knope of the Week honors individuals or groups who have done the most in the past week to advance … Continued

08.03.12 Knope of the Week

The votes are in and the results have been tabulated: after a week of nominations and voting by our community, ELGL is thrilled to announce the winner of the Knope of the Week! As a reminder, The Knope of the Week honors individuals or groups who have done the most in the past week to advance … Continued

07.27.12 Knope of the Week

The votes are in and the results have been tabulated: after a week of nominations and voting by our community, ELGL is thrilled to announce the winner of the Knope of the Week! As a reminder, The Knope of the Week honors individuals or groups who have done the most in the past week to advance … Continued

07.20.12 Knope of the Week

The votes are in and the results have been tabulated: after a week of nominations and voting by our community, ELGL is thrilled to announce the winner of the Knope of the Week! As a reminder, The Knope of the Week honors individuals or groups who have done the most in the past week to advance … Continued

07.13.12 Knope of the Week

The votes are in and the results have been tabulated: after a week of nominations and voting by our community, ELGL is thrilled to announce the winner of the Knope of the Week! As a reminder, The Knope of the Week honors individuals or groups who have done the most in the past week to advance … Continued

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