The Transition with Anthony Petchel, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry

ELGL member Anthony Petchel is living the dream of every kid in Portland. He is working for the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI). While we’re sure his job is fun, he doesn’t spend his days in the science playground playing with silly-putty or making sand castles. Instead, Anthony is the Director of Development … Continued

12.21.12 Knope of the Week – Anthony Petchel and Haley Fish

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SdhLJim5JxI&w=560&h=315] If the Mayans have anything to say about it, this will be the last Knope of the Week Award of all-time, so after consulting with the Elf on the Shelf and Ol’ Santa Nick, ELGL is pleased to announce the recipients of  the 52nd Knope of the Week award are…… Anthony Petchel, Director of Development, … Continued

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