Tag: Rae Buckley

Water Cooler: Fanalytics for Local Government

Rae Buckley, Town of Chapel Hill, NC, Assistant to the Manager for Organizational and Strategic Initiatives, used sports to highlight organizational strategies. By Rae Buckley, LinkedIn and Twitter Today’s Water Cooler picks up where Water Cooler #3 left off:  what we can learn from “fanalytics” in the National Hockey League (NHL) about performance measurement and open data in local … Continued

Water Cooler: Avoiding Replacement Refs in Local Government

Rae Buckley, Town of Chapel Hill, NC, Assistant to the Manager for Organizational and Strategic Initiatives, used sports to highlight organizational strategies. Learn more about Rae in her first article, How Would Bill Belichick Write Policy? Water Cooler: Avoiding Replacement Refs in Local Government by Rae Buckley, LinkedIn The narrative of an NFL game naturally focuses on the players and … Continued

Water Cooler: How Would Bill Belichick Write Policy?

by Rae Buckley, Town of Chapel Hill, NC, LinkedIn Social psychiatrists have speculated and tested why people enjoy watching sports.  There’s a theory of symbolic catharsis that says we release our own tension and aggression while watching a game.  There’s also a statistical analysis called the talent-luck theory that says we like watching physical feats but … Continued

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