Tag: Will Hampton

It’s Time for a Digital Detox

Today’s Buzz is by Will Hampton (LinkedIn and Twitter) What I’m Watching: Chernobyl What I’m Reading: 12 Rules for Life by Jordan B. Peterson What I’m listening to: Shallow from the A Star is Born soundtrack. Must have listened to it a dozen times the day after watching the movie. Haunting. I think we understand the problem … Continued

Creating a Voice for Your Organization

Today’s Morning Buzz is by brand new Morning Buzzer Will Hampton – connect with him on LinkedIn and Twitter! What I am watching: True Detective, Season 3 What I am listening to: The Peter Attia Drive podcast What I am reading: The Gulag Archipelago (Abridged), by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn First, apologies for the click-bait headline. I’d love to be … Continued

What I Am with Will Hampton, City of Round Rock, TX

Link: ELGL Spreads Across the Country “Cross between The Atlantic magazine and Buzzfeed”  Welcome to our new member feature. We’ve all heard the excuse “I’m too busy” too many times so we’ve simplified our new member feature to illicit short, meaningful responses. 

Bonds… City Bonds & Communicating with Round Rock, TX

One of our favorite local government videos and communications departments is up for an award! The City of Round Rock, TX is up for a TAMIO award and we sat down with them and got a behind the camera take on their two most successful videos. Check out the videos and interview below. 

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