Check out the newest Census toolkit created by the National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA):
Dinner Table Tips for the Holidays!
Turkey Day/Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and it’s a great time to give the gift of getting counted in the Census.
The Census happens every 10 years, and it is a multibillion-dollar process that helps determine how more than $1.5 trillion dollars of funds are distributed to cities, states, and localities for jobs, schools, roads, medicare & medicaid, emergency preparedness (i.e. for earthquakes, fires, and hurricanes), political representation, and much more.
This dynamic toolkit includes:
- Helpful ways to talk about the Census
- FAQs and answers to tough questions
- Sample texts you can use in a group chat!
- Email template & social media promotional template
- 2 versions for Asian American & Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander audiences
Please share this toolkit on social media and among your chapters/partner organizations. Now let’s get some pie and #GetCounted!
More information:
Young Noh Jung
Policy/Communications Associate
National Council of Asian Pacific Americans (NCAPA)
T: (213) 519-4555 | young@ncapaonline.