The Changing Faces of Oregon
A Scouting Report on Transformative Trends Coming Our Way
Two half—day sessions on June 23 and July 28, 2015
One of the things that makes Oregon a special place is the ability of our citizens and policy-level decision makers to take the long view–to anticipate the future–and prepare for it. Oregon’s stature in land use, mobility strategies, conservation and environmental protection, and civic innovations are part of the state’s narrative and testaments to earlier leaders who exhibited the courage to abide by the state’s motto: Alis volat propriis (She flies with her own wings).
The June 23 keynote session will feature four panels of experts that will present and discuss changes that appear likely to transform Oregon’s demographic, economic, physical, and civic ‘futurescapes’. The audience gets to weigh-in on the discussion and evaluate the potential threat or value of each though the use of on-site, real-time electronic polling, answering, in a figurative sense, if the ‘fortune cookies’ on Oregon’s plate hold glad tidings.
After subsequent field research by CUPA staff and students on the outcomes from the keynote session, participants will reconvene for the July 28 plenary session to hear from a new set of panelists whose industries and communities are potentially impacted the trends considered during the June session. They will also discuss our State’s current readiness to respond to the adapt to the changes coming our way. In the end the audience gets to have the final say by questioning the panelists and registering its verdict through electronic polling.
Intended Audience: The CUPA Summer Series is designed as a strategic briefing for a broad, diverse cohort of current and future policy players—and engaged citizens—from across Oregon.
Location: Smith Memorial Student Union—Room 296/8