ELGL member and UNC professor Leisha DeHart-Davis invites you to participate.
Building Emotional Intelligence: Webinar Opportunity
Higher emotional intelligence abilities are associated with better performance in a variety of careers, from teaching to law enforcement to sales. Emotional intelligence includes the abilities to understand one’s emotions, manage those emotions effectively, interact effectively with others, and generate productive work with others. This webinar, led by Dr. Heather Lee of Developmental Associates, will give the basics of emotional intelligence and how you can develop it as a critical soft skill.
The price of admission is your participation in the Public Sector Ethical Situations Survey that I am conducting. The survey examines how public managers react in situations with different ethical implications, and the opinions and attitudes that affect those reactions.
You can participate in the webinar live or view the recorded version. The live version will be held on Friday, April 8th,from 9:30 am to 11 am. Space is limited and registrations will be accommodated on a first-come first-served basis. The survey must be completed to receive information on the webinar.
Your participation in the survey should take about 20 minutes and is voluntary. No personal identifiers are collected by the study.
If you are interesting in the webinar and study participation, please visit or copy and paste the link below:
For questions about study participation or the webinar, please contact Leisha DeHart-Davis at ldd@unc.edu or at 919-966-4189.