Clay Aiken’s Congressional Hopes Go Down To the Wire
High Five
Grandma Never Had It So Good In most cities, adding a second house to a single-family lot would be illegal or would set off an epic battle with the neighbors that could drag on for years. But not in Portland, Ore.
How a Low-Income San Francisco Neighborhood Is Building a Culture of Disaster Preparedness Everyone here assumes that an earthquake will hit this city hard some day, thanks to the geologic fault line that runs below it. But G.L. Hodge is not afraid. Hodge has a talent for being where he’s needed during a crisis.
The Future Of The Grid Is Local And Distributed, And Universities Are Already Building It When the lights go out in California, classes at Santa Clara University will keep running–and their new micro-grid could also help other city residents get cleaner and cheaper electricity.
Climate change assessment paints stark picture of potential damage The warming of Earth, with human consumption of fossil fuels as the main cause, will have severe consequences for every region of the United States, according to the Third National Climate Assessment released Tuesday morning by the Obama administration.
How Tolls Could Help Prevent a U.S. Transportation Crisis Earlier this week, Joseph Kile of the Congressional Budget Office outlined for a Senate committee the dire situation that is the Highway Trust Fund. The fund that pays for U.S. highway and transit projects — largely populated by the weak federal gas tax — will more or less run out of money by the end of fiscal 2014. Insolvency could occur as early as August, and the Department of Transportation may need to begin withholding payments to states this summer.
Glitches mar NC Board of Elections website’s vote count On election nights, the State Board of Elections’ website is supposed to provide up-to-the-minute and accurate results of the day’s contests.
Clackamas County clerk: Sherry Hall must beat her own reputation, four other candidates Hall has lasted through cries for recall and the national spotlight since taking office, because several misprinted ballots or voters pamphlets and a ballot tampering incident during the 2012 election.
Tigard leaders approve $1.3 million purchase of Burnham Street property that currently houses Ferguson Plumbing The purchase of the Burnham Street property will be financed through $1.4 million borrowed by the city and paid back using tax increment revenue, which is generated as property values within an Tigard’s urban renewal district increase.
Hillsboro City Council approves first reading of two-way street ordinance In nearly six years as mayor of Hillsboro, Jerry Willey has never had to use his vote on the city council. Everything the council has voted on during his tenure has passed by a 4-2 vote, at least. That changed on Tuesday night. In nearly six years as mayor of Hillsboro,
Lake Oswego School Board delays controversial Lakeridge High School stadium improvements The board decided to hit “pause” on the project. Controversial improvements to the Lakeridge High School stadium will not be constructed this summer as had been anticipated, following a vote by the Lake Oswego School Board.