06.24.12 The Sunday Sermon

Posted on June 24, 2012

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 [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLY05HtYP1g&w=420&h=315]




What's Wrong with These Photos?!

RSVP for ELGL Forum with Former Governor Barbara Roberts – Please join us on Thursday, July 12, for an ELGL brown-bag session with former Oregon Governor and current Metro Councilor Barbara Roberts.

ELGL Social Hour at OCCMA Conference – Learn more about ELGL and how our membership is redefining the future of local government in Oregon!

Save the Date: Happy New (Fiscal) Year Party is July 19 – Celebrate the start of FY 2013 and the recipient of the “Knope of the Year” award.


Engrish!   Remind me when I need a new hair cut not to go to this salon in Ulan Bataar, Mongolia!

Supreme Court Casino Case: Win, Loss, or Draw for Cities? If you gamble at a casino there is no question whether you have won or lost. Nevertheless in a recent Supreme Court case affecting cities, involving land to be used for a casino, victory or defeat…depends.


no, you're awesome Bill

Employee Engagement: What and Why – Forbes What the heck is employee engagement anyway? Let’s start with what it’s not. Employee engagement does not mean employee happiness. Someone might be happy at work, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are working hard.

The Discipline of Listening – As the up-and-coming vice president and CEO candidate for a Fortune 500 technology corporation sat before the CEO for his annual review, he was baffled to discover that the feedback from his peers, customers, direct reports.

How To Ignore Distractions In The Workplace – Forbes – Some of us get pushed off balance by the slightest interruptions at work, while others easily tune out distractions.

Unlocking Yourself From the Clock – Even professionals are getting paid by the hour these days—making us stressed out and less productive, writes Frank Portnoy.

Inside the UGB

Outside the UGB

I got a fever and the only prescription is MORE COWBELL!!!

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