It’s #ELGLHaverford time! We’re pleased to recognize the top 25 local government companies as nominated by ELGL members. Learn more about the Haverford Award, and then check out our website every day this week to learn about five new companies added to the 2020 Haverford Award list.
Note: Adastra Gov was acquired by GovInvest. Sharing the nomination for Adastra Gov, but listing under its new name, GovInvest!
Contact information:
- Website
- Contact: Christian Dickson, christian@adastragov.com
Company information:
- Industry sector(s): Consulting/Analysis
- Minority/Woman Owned Business: No
- Shared content/expertise with ELGL: No
- Participated in ELGL events/activities: No
Nomination information:
Describe your work and interactions with the nominee – how have you worked with them, on what projects, and in what capacity?
- The City of Reno was headed into labor negotiations with 5 labor groups and needed a method to calculate changes quickly. Adastragov provided a great labor costing system that changed how negotiations went for the City. The bargaining units no longer argued methodologies for calculating costs. The bargaining units also appreciated the speed that the City was able to respond to new and updated propsals.
What was the product/outcome of your relationship with the company?
- The City was able to negotiate new contracts with bargaining units quickly and avoided ill-will between bargaining units and City officials.
What are three words you’d use to describe the company?
- Accurate, Quick, Useful
Describe the on-boarding process for your work with the company – either when you personally started working with them, or when your organization did. What could someone else in local government know about starting work with this company?
- When the City started with Adastragov, the customer service was impeccable. They provided a lot of “hand holding” for setting up and would schedule weekly phone calls for follow up. I also was able to call and get a response on the same day.
What’s the most interesting or fun aspect of your work with the company?
- Adastragov’s labor costing software enabled the City to complete union negotiations quickly. The budget department was also able to use the software to complete salary projection for 5 years.
What is the company’s pricing structure? Please be as descriptive as possible.
- Pricing based on users
How has your relationship with the company evolved or changed over time? How has the company reacted to or addressed any changes that your organization has requested in the scope/focus of your work together?
- Adastragov continues to reach out to the City of Reno for feedback on how to improve their software. In the year we have used the product there have been improvements that were suggested. This shows Adastragov is committed to improving and evolving their product to better suit their clients
Anything else to add about the company that we haven’t already asked you?
- Adastragov’s sales force is not pushy and allows the product to speak for itself. Customer service is great and they are always willing to assist with issues.