We’re getting ready to release the 2017 version of the ELGL Resume Book™️ and we wanted to give everyone one last chance to get their resume added. So to get included you need to do the following by Midnight on April 22, 2017:
- Email a PDF of your latest resume* to Ben Kittelson at ben@elgl.org
*We reserve the right to limit you to one page… (Come on it’s a resume not your thesis)
- Include a one to two sentence description of yourself.
- Share how cool the ELGL Resume Book™️ is by emailing this link to your friends and colleagues in local government.
DEADLINE: Midnight April 22, 2017
Not looking for a job? Don’t know why you’d want to be included in the ELGL Resume Book™️? Here’s a few hypothetical reasons it’s so awesome even if you aren’t in the market for a new employer:
Let’s say a graduate student is looking to learn more about economic development in cities and you just so happen to work on economic development projects in Roanoke, VA. An ELGL member can search the ELGL Resume Book™️, find your background and connect with you to learn about your job.
The City of Boulder, CO is recruiting for a Public Information Officer and didn’t find what they were looking for in the first round of applications. Since they are an Organizational Member they can search the ELGL Resume Book™️ to communicate about the opportunity to potential candidates or find other communications staff to learn about what works in recruiting.
You work for the City of Normal, IL and are looking for a new vendor to host your website. Simply search the ELGL Resume Book™️ to find other ELGL members that have worked on similar projects who can educate you on what they learned going through the same process.