Download the 2020 Census Toolkit for Local Officials
State and local officials are vital partners in promoting public awareness about the 2020 Census.
We appreciate your strong support for the U.S. Census Bureau’s work and the funding you provide for our programs.
Once a decade, America comes together to count everyone living in the United States, raising national awareness of the decennial census and its invaluable statistics.
The decennial census was first conducted in 1790, as mandated by the Constitution. It counts our population and households, providing the basis for reapportioning congressional seats, redistricting, and distributing billions of dollars in federal funds.
Federal, state, and local programs use census data for health care services, housing, education, transportation, and other areas of public policy. Census data also contributes to economic development, employment opportunities, and private sector investment.
Our goal is to count every person once, only once, and in the right place. We have made a number of major improvements since the 2010 Census, including better technologies for canvassing and enumerating, and new options for responding such as the Internet and phone.
Respondents will still be able to complete the form by paper. Online and phone response will be available in English and 12 other languages. We will also have print and video language guides in 59 languages including American Sign Language, braille, and large print guides.
This decade, we are providing more language assistance, more partnerships specialists, a sophisticated and expanded media campaign, and enhanced IT safeguards and privacy protections.
In collaboration with key stakeholders, we will continue to build on these efforts. I am excited about where we are right now, less than a year from Census Day, April 1, 2020.
We are on schedule, on budget, on message, and on course to conduct the largest and most complete census ever. We are especially grateful for your help in amplifying our message that the 2020 Census is safe, confidential, and secure, and encouraging every constituent to respond.
Your collaboration with our headquarters and field-based staff will be critical in urging everyone, especially those in hard-to-count households, to respond to the census.
Through our communications and advertising program, national and local partners, and community based organizations, we are committed to counting every constituent in your district and/or state including:
- Children living in dynamic and complex households.
- Rural households.
- Populations with limited Internet access.
- Households lacking English proficiency.
To support these efforts, we have assembled this toolkit to help you motivate your constituents to respond to the 2020 Census and aid your responses to their questions.
I hope these materials will be a valuable resource for you and your staff. We greatly appreciate your continued support for the Census Bureau and the 2020 Census. We look forward to working closely with you over the coming months.
Steven Dillingham