This is the company information page for the 2019 #ELGLHaverford award.
Learn more about the award program, and read about all of the honorees.
About McGohan Brabender
- Website: https://www.mcgohanbrabender.com
- Contact person: Scott McGohan
- Contact email: psmcgohan@mcgohanbrabender.com
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mcgohan-brabender/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McGohanBrabender/
- Industry sector: Health Care
- Minority/Women-Owned: No
- Does the company have an articulated equity/inclusion policy: Unknown
- Nominated by: City of Sharonville, OH
Engagement With ELGL:
- Blogs, Webinars, Podcasts with ELGL? No
- Events, Activities with ELGL? No
Working with the Company:
Describe your work and interactions with the nominee – how have you worked with them, on what projects, in what capacity?
- Have worked with McGohan Brabender (MB) for many years, with two different cities and, in both cases, with tremendous results. They have not only helped with our overall insurance rates (e.g., 3 negative increases in a row recently), but also with resolving or helping with individual employee issues with health care, even doing so after business hours in cases of emergencies. MB also holds an annual leadership and educational training program, called their “Learning Center” and brings in regional and national experts to talk on a variety of issues. These have been very beneficial. MB also provides periodic podcasts, which are educational as well for those who prefer to listen and learn at their desk. At MB, family is the foundation of their culture and they treat their clients like family as well. That means they support each other; go the extra mile for clients; and serve their communities by being a proud sponsor of several non-profits and by their employees dedicating hundreds of hours, using their time and talents to serve on boards and by “giving back” through volunteering efforts in the communities they serve. I cannot think of a better local government “partner” to recognize than MB.
What was the product/outcome of your relationship with the company?
- Most impressive has been MBs ability to bring health care rates under control by their knowledge, creativity, and partnerships. The thing that separates MB from others, however, is their personable nature and commitment to their client communities.
What are three words you’d use to describe the company?
- partnerships; innovation; service
Describe the on boarding process for your work with the company – either when you personally started working with them, or when your organization did. What could someone else in local government know about starting work with this company?
- The difference between the information that MB presents to its clients versus other consulting companies is impressive. Their creative approaches to potential alternates is also valuable. They put an emphasis on maintaining a long-term plan versus simply going year-to-year with their recommendations.
What is the company’s pricing structure? Please be as descriptive as possible.
- MB is paid a percentage of the overall premium by the insurance company
What’s the most interesting or fun aspect of your work with the company?
- MB is very family oriented. They have individual photos of employees/their families within their facility as one example. Also, will always remember when I saw MBs children’s toy closet. MB realizes the importance of a work/life balance and encourages their employees to bring their children to work, if needed. To keep them occupied, MB has an extensive toy closet where children can play with toys of their choice. Last, to celebrate employee successes, MB has a “Victory Cart,” which the employee sits on, and rings a bell, while being pushed around the workplace, acknowledging the employee’s achievement in a very fun manner.
How has your relationship with the company evolved or changed over time? How has the company reacted to or addressed any changes that your organization has requested in the scope/focus of your work together?
- If anything, has only strengthened through the year as I continue to witness their commitment and involvement to help make our partnership as strong as possible. Those in Ohio (3 locations in Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati) should certainly look at MB for their health care consulting needs.
Anything else to add about the company that we haven’t already asked you?
- MB has won many awards including the following examples: Customer Service Business of the Year in Dayton, OH 2016; ADA Health Champion Designation 2016; Best place to work in Cincinnati 2016; Healthiest Employer in Dayton, OH 2015 & 2016; Healthiest Employer in Cincinnati, OH 2015 & 2016; Best place to work in Dayton 2015; Healthiest employer in Columbus, OH 2014 & 2015; Business Insurance’s Best Broker to Work for in the Country (2009), and WELCOA Worksite Wellness, American Heart Association Innovation Award.