It’s #ELGLHaverford time! We’re pleased to recognize the top 25 local government companies as nominated by ELGL members. Learn more about the Haverford Award, and then check out our website every day this week to learn about five new companies added to the 2020 Haverford Award list.
Contact information:
Company information:
- Industry sector(s): Insurance
- Minority/Woman Owned Business: Yes
- Shared content/expertise with ELGL: No
- Participated in ELGL events/activities: No
Nomination information:
Describe your work and interactions with the nominee – how have you worked with them, on what projects, and in what capacity?
- Adam Balls is a Vice President with World Risk Management. He primarily works in Florida and Ohio. He is widely recognized as a leading expert in property and casualty brokerage and portfolio management for cities, counties, and schools. The City of Fairfield contracted with him to lead a competitive request for proposal process for the organization’s entire property and casualty insurance portfolio. Fairfield has a population of 42,600. As smaller full-service city, we provide complex and multidisciplinary services that range from utilities to public safety and courts.
- Mr. Balls and World Risk Management provided the expert guidance that we are not large enough to have in-house but needed in order to limit our exposure while getting in the right insurance plans. Mr. Balls walked our stakeholders through several insurance products with deft understanding of our processes and meticulous attention to detail. In addition to improving coverage the City will reduce net premium costs by an estimated $413,000 over 10 years. I would recommend his services to local government that is looking to optimize and take the pain out of seeking better insurance products.
What was the product/outcome of your relationship with the company?
- The outcome was better than we imagined. We gained entry into the Miami Valley Risk Management Association (MVRMA), which is comprised of professionally managed cities, while cutting overhead.
What are three words you’d use to describe the company?
- advocate, integrity, professional
Describe the on-boarding process for your work with the company – either when you personally started working with them, or when your organization did. What could someone else in local government know about starting work with this company?
- Finance Director Scott Timmer and I interviewed several potential brokers to lead our RFP. We met face-to-face, spoke with Mr. Balls’s outstanding references, and we knew he was a good match from the start.
What’s the most interesting or fun aspect of your work with the company?
- It is interesting to hear the horror stories and triumphs of proper planning. Insurance can be dry, but it is sooooo important for protecting the public’s interests.
What is the company’s pricing structure? Please be as descriptive as possible.
- We paid a flat rate that was based on the size and complexity of our organization.
How has your relationship with the company evolved or changed over time? How has the company reacted to or addressed any changes that your organization has requested in the scope/focus of your work together?
- We stay in touch and look for other ways to collaborate. I will undoubtedly continue to use World Risk Management’s services throughout my career.
Anything else to add about the company that we haven’t already asked you?
- Adam Balls played college golf at Bowling Green State University.