Emily Badger wrote article for CityLab back in November, 2013 called The Simplest Way to Get People Biking. The proposition: “Show people how long the exact same trip would take in a car, or on foot, or even by transit. It’s not enough to make it possible for people to bike. What advocates really need to do is make clear the costs of not biking, in minutes saved or dollars not spent.”
I like it! But it is only programmed for Washington DC…
No worries for the Oregon readers, with September a few days away I wanted to inform you that the Bicycle Transportation Alliance’s (BTA) well-loved Bike Commute Challenge is back! In 2012, the BCC attracted 11,745 riders in 1,395 participating work places. Altogether, Portlanders biked more than 1.3 million miles! It’s no secret that Portland is nationally and internationally recognized as a mecca for bicycling. Our bicycling infrastructure, high bike commute rates, and overall bicycling culture is seen as a cutting-edge model for other cities to emulate. Portland regularly tops numerous lists as the most bike-friendly city in the nation, the most prestigious being Bicycling Magazine’s annual poll.
For those of you who haven’t participated in the past, this is a chance for you to join in a competition between other businesses throughout Oregon to see who can rack up the most bike commuting miles in the month of September.
The process is simple: create a profile*, join or create your company/organizations team, and log your miles every day! It’s easy and rewarding, and the miles really do add up.
- If you were on a team last year, your profile will still be there.
- If you’re on the fence about it, September is a great time to take the plunge, even if it’s just a couple of times. Mild weather and lots of moral support make it easy.
- If you are already a frequent bike commuter, please consider signing up so you can log those miles and encourage others to keep up the good work.
*To sign up go to the BTA Bike Commute Challenge website.
1. Click the link (above), and then click the “sign up today” button.
2. Enter your email address, and click “sign me up.”
3. In the next page, fill out the requested information. You have an option to donate, however you are not required to do so. If you do not wish to donate, type “0” in the amount box.
4. When completed and submitted, you will receive a confirmation email at the address you provided in step 2. Click the link in that email and you are activated!
Portland is a great city for cyclists. Yet, many remain skeptical about cycling to work. Here are some incentives and ideas to make it easier to give cycling a try:
- For starters, we live in a bike friendly city. Portland grants you access to hundreds of miles of bike lanes, bike boxes, and major bike paths to make your work commute safer and easier.
- Detailed bike-route maps
- Worried about getting sweaty or changing clothes? Try the half-day method of taking public transit to work and biking home
- Also, September is a wonderful month to ride your bike. September weather in the Pacific Northwest is spectacular.
- You won’t be alone because there are lots of other bike commuters in September.
- Bicycling to work can be a tremendously rewarding activity. In addition to being good for the environment, biking can improve your health.
- Please be sure to wear a helmet and use your best judgment while on the road!