This is the company information page for the 2019 #ELGLHaverford award.
Learn more about the award program, and read about all of the honorees.
About Citibot
- Website: http://www.citibot.io
- Contact person: Bratton Riley
- Contact email: bratton@citibot.io
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/citibot/
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/citibot_io
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/citibotio/
- Industry sector: Communications
- Minority/Women-Owned: No
- Does the company have an articulated equity/inclusion policy: Yes
- Nominated by: City of North Charleston, SC and Anonymous
Engagement With ELGL:
- Blogs, Webinars, Podcasts with ELGL? Yes
- Links to Content: GovLove Family Ties in Charleston
- Events, Activities with ELGL? Yes
- Links to Events: Digital Afterparty
Working with the Company:
Describe your work and interactions with the nominee – how have you worked with them, on what projects, in what capacity?
- The city of North Charleston was an early adopter of Citibot service, acting as a pilot-city for their intuitive community issue reporting service.
- Citibot has opened my eyes to the ways that we can use technology to make local government more responsive. It makes me want to dream bigger about how cities can work with residents and improve city services.
What was the product/outcome of your relationship with the company?
- Citibot’s engagement technologies
- We have started thinking differently about how our community engages with each other and obviously, with government. I’ve started reading more about human centered design and also the information about the technology use trends and how that can be applied to my community. Generally, Citibot has opened my eyes to what’s possible in the future and has made me be more inquisitive about the “how” as I work in public service.
What are three words you’d use to describe the company?
- Engaged, Forward-thinking, Accessible
Describe the on boarding process for your work with the company – either when you personally started working with them, or when your organization did. What could someone else in local government know about starting work with this company?
- I personally engaged with Citibot after learning about the company, which was participating in a local business accelerator program to get off the ground. I knew right away that the service was a perfect fit for us. For other local governments looking to reach out, know that Citibot has been extremely responsive and accessible.
- Citibot staff is extremely responsive and has walked us through every step of the process to onboard and begin.
What is the company’s pricing structure? Please be as descriptive as possible.
- Since the City of North Charleston was an early adopter, we garnered a non-standard pricing rate.
What’s the most interesting or fun aspect of your work with the company?
- It’s a new technology, so as their products grow, we discover new ways to implement their features to benefit the public.
- I loved listening to Bratton’s GovLove interview and it gave me new perspective about why the company exists and the public service ethos.
How has your relationship with the company evolved or changed over time? How has the company reacted to or addressed any changes that your organization has requested in the scope/focus of your work together?
- Again, since we were early adopters, the company was very responsive to our needs, and as our citizens interacted with the service, Citibot and city staff were quick and adaptive in implementing changes.
- Citibot has made me feel like a true partner. This isn’t just a vendor-customer relationship.
Anything else to add about the company that we haven’t already asked you?
- The product simplifies and crowdsources community issues so that we, as a municipality, can respond in an efficient manner.