#AdvanceYourself Twittersation

Posted on April 21, 2014

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ELGL is collaborating with Melissa Anzman of Launch Yourself to bring you our latest and greatest Twittersation. Mark your calendar and plan to log on to your Twitter on May 1 at 3:00 p.m. EST (that’s noon, PST) to be part of the conversation about Advancing In Your Career. Or, in Twitter lingo, #AdvanceYourself.

ELGL focuses on bridging the gap between emerging and experienced local government leaders to cultivate an environment of vibrant communication and knowledge sharing. This Twittersation about Advancing In Your Career is a great place for seasoned leaders to share tips about how they approached career growth and emerging leaders to ask their burning questions about career success.

Melissa Anzman (founder of Launch Yourself) will facilitate our virtual discussion. If you want to participate, log on to Twitter and search for #AdvanceYourself – then, jump in to the conversation using that same hashtag. Hope to “see” you there at our super cool Twittersation!

Supplemental Reading

LY Podcast feat. Kent Wyatt from ELGL

LY Podcast feat. Jessica Williams from Mac’s List

“Launch Yourself” Interviews ELGL Co-Founder Kent Wyatt

Lessons from Smart(er) People



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