Welcome to the new and (somewhat) improved version of our member introductions. If you are puzzled by the column name, take a minute to watch this scene from Austin Powers.
If you read this profile and you think that Jared’s is the greatest person ever, then you’re in luck. Jared is leading the #ELGL14 EcDev Pub Crawl.
Background Check
Jared Wiener (LinkedIn and Twitter) has worked as an Economist for the North Carolina Department of Commerce, Finance Director for the North Carolina Democratic Party, and now, he is an industry liaison for the Portland Development Commission (PDC). In his role at the PDC, he works in the Business & Industry Division with the goal of improving the economic condition and quality of life in the Portland area. His focus is on the software industry cluster, but also spend time working on other economic development initiatives.
He received an undergraduate degree from North Carolina State University and a master’s degree from the University of North Carolina. We’re saddened to report that he’s an NC State fan.
Q & A with Jared
(Complete the sentence) Today is……September 5, 2014.
Your hometown? What is it best known for?
Pfafftown, NC and according to Wikipedia the inventor of wind surfing is from Pfafftown.
Describe the state of local government in your area.
State government like state government everywhere, local government pretty dynamic but room to improve.
What topics or practitioners would you like to see ELGL profile?
- Urban development and economic development tie.
- How local government can change to be more effective in changing times, what an effective 21st century local government looks like (structurally, values, etc.)
(Complete these phrases) Best thing about the….
80’s was……. We Didn’t Start the Fire
90’s was…… 1997 Florida Marlins World Series win
00’s was….. graduating college
Last year was….. getting engaged
Today is…. Being able to make a difference in a city I love
If you could interview three people (dead or alive), who would it be?
FDR and Jesus
(Complete this sentence) I feel old when I…….. see how young college kids look
What are the best things about the internet? Google
What was the career path of your parent(s)?
High School Teacher and company founder
(Complete the sentence) ELGL is…… an opportunity to meet people in my profession and learn something in the process.
Where do you hear about ELGL? Colleague
Give us two ideas for attracting and retaining talented individuals to the public sector.
- Direct social media marketing
- Referral discounts
What’s one question that we should ask the next person who completes this profile?
One out of the box activity/event that if we held you would attend.
(Complete the sentence) Tomorrow is…….Saturday