Andrew Golas
Town Administrator, Town of Barre, MA
So far, what’s your proudest accomplishment in 2019
After a year of working with my finance team, the Board of Selectmen and the Fire Department, we were able to sign the purchase order contract for a new Fire Engine for the community. this was the first new piece of fire apparatus the community purchased in over 20 years. I am especially proud of this because of the amount of effort put into educating the public on the need for the apparatus and how we plan to fund it which lead to an easy passage at Town Meeting.
Valentines Day is in February. What do you “love” about your job?
I love problem solving and finding solutions to new challenges as they come forward. I love working with the team of dedicated individuals that work for the Town of Barre (Pronounced “Barry”) to make the community a better place every day.
(Complete the sentence) Before I die I want to…
… Visit all 50 states.
10 Year Challenge! What were you doing in 2009? How did it help you reach your current position?
Just going into my Senior year of my undergrad in Regional Planning preparing for a career in Urban Planning while also joining my local fire department.
(Complete the sentence) The first time I heard about ELGL was…
Just surfing through Twitter.
What question should we have asked? What’s the answer?
What is your main Local Gov goal for 2019?
My main goal for this year is to work with my finance team to improve our internal process and improve the Town’s Bond rating.