Right Now with Mario Smith (LinkedIn/ Twitter/ Instagram)
What I’m reading: Today I read about some WWII historic moments.
What I’m watching: Seinfeld.
What I’m listening to: Joe Bonamassa – Get Back My Tomorrow
Be the reason people enjoy coming into the office, daily.
Have you heard this before? Recently, I was asked about this statement and it didn’t take me long to answer due to my experiences as a service member in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Marine Corps. The question was:
“Could you give me a realistic example why someone would want to go to work besides getting paid?”
The answer is simple but complicated all the same:
The simple part: Be their mentor. Be their trainer. Invest time in that individuals’ personal development. They’ll want to come to work knowing their peers and mentors will support them.
Professionals, how many hours did you dedicate to train and mentor someone before they trusted you and WANTED you to teach them? Think back to when you started out, did you have a personal trainer and mentor guiding you along your LocalGov career? How did that change your perspective on the career? Was it helpful? Are you still appreciative today? Or, maybe you never had a trainer or mentor and wished you could’ve had a little more guidance when you started? The fact is obvious, it only produces better qualities in people. Moreover, LocalGov is providing a service, giving back to communities. Why wouldn’t you begin within your own offices – perhaps buildings?
When I first started welding and sheet meal fabrication, I was hesitant and didn’t do well at first. My supervisor spent hours helping me through the process. He tasked me with harder tasks each day. It took time to succeed but after a few months I wanted to come in and be challenged because I KNEW he was going to support me. He was going to let me fail and learn until I succeeded. Soon after, I led the work center and was internally promoted every step of the way after.
The complicated part: This will take time.
As professionals embedded in our careers we can become so consumed with our careers and own tasks that we forget one simple question.
How can I help?
This tiny statement dictates whether your team will succeed or fail; more importantly, attracting new ideas and talent to the team.
When discussing teamwork and areas of concern you’ll always hear a team lead ask “what do we need to do?” Seldom will you hear, “how can I help?” Teams and subordinates (new LocalGov members?) may know what needs to be done to complete a task but may need assistance from their team lead. They may need YOUR guidance and expertise. The team may be hesitant to ask you because of their perception that YOU may be a “hands off” team lead. Or, their perception may be skewed as they don’t see you dedicating more time to team development. Has this happened to you?
If you’re wondering why tasks may not be completed on time or within scope, it may be because you didn’t offer your assistance as the team lead.
Throw in that statement, “How can I help?” You’ll be glad you did.
Be supportive. Spend time doing it. It pays off.
How are you going to be the reason someone enjoys coming to the office?