Our version of ESPN’s College GameDay makes a stop in Springfield, Missouri to learn about the MPA program at Missouri State University. A bit of knowledge for your next cocktail party – Missouri State was formerly known as Southwest Missouri State University. If you’re a fan of our website, you probably know that Katie Babits, City of Veneta, OR, is a graduate of the Missouri State MPA program. Katie speaks glowingly about her experience at the MPA and the professors especially Dr. Jim Kaatz, Dr. Mark Ellickson and Dr. Patrick Scott.
Background Check
Missouri State’s public administration graduate program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration through a rigorous national accreditation process. Meeting the NASPAA’s criteria means you’ll receive the resources necessary to achieve the goals that matter to you.
Graduate students in the public administration program are individuals with diverse academic and professional backgrounds, many of whom work full-time and are practicing public administrators and non-profit organization professionals.
Missouri State’s public administration graduate program is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration through a rigorous national accreditation process. Meeting the NASPAA’s criteria means you’ll receive the resources necessary to achieve the goals that matter to you.
The 4-1-1
Full-time or part-time program: Both
Number of students enrolled each year: 30-35
In state vs. out-of-state: mostly in-state but some out of state
Online classes offered: public budgeting and financial management; nonprofit management; organization theory, emergency management; intergovernmental relations
The Details
What are three top selling points of the program?
Our specializations, which include local government, public policy, and emergency management.
Examples of alumni working in local government (name and position).
We have several formal students who are city managers or are in top positions within their locale (e.g., human resources director). For example, one of our recent graduates is Darin Chappel, who is the City Manager of Bolivar, Missouri.
What are the three biggest challenges for those entering the program?
A strong undergraduate preparation is required for those considering the MPA program at Missouri State.
Give three tips on finding the right graduate school.
One should check the NASPAA website. NASPAA has excellent resources regarding graduate schools and their respective program offerings.
What would alumni describe as the most difficult parts of the program?
Perhaps the comprehensive exams? Or for those pursuing the thesis option, completing the thesis.
Do you recommend prospective students gain a couple of years of work experience before going to graduate school?
We have a good mix of full-time students and full-time practitioners. Each group has different needs but it is nice to have both in the same classroom setting.
Name three skills that entering students are most often lacking.
We are careful in our selection process so most of our entering students are not deficient in any particular area. Otherwise, we would not admit them. However, I would say that quantitative skills are always useful to have, along with writing ability.
What classes would make up a typical first semester?
A graduate seminar in Public Administration, Financial Management, and Public Personnel Administration
What are the most recent additions to your course offerings?
Consistent with our University’s mission, we are offering a course in Ethics and Leadership for the Public Sector
Supplemental Reading
- Engaged in Public Service: Heather Lockard Fights Poverty in Missouri
- Deep Thoughts with Katie Babits, City of Veneta, OR
- MPA Program Reaccredited
- Missouri State University Political Science Blog
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