Can AI Create the Perfect Elected Official? (Spoiler: Robots Figured Out How to Run for Office)

Posted on September 27, 2024

A digital representation of an AI-generated mayor inspired by Max Headroom, with a slicked-back hairstyle, futuristic sunglasses, and a sharp, angular jawline.

Today’s Morning Buzz is brought to you by Sheila Shockey, Founder, CEO, Futurist, Shock Talk Podcast Host, and Artist at Shockey Consulting in Overland Park, KS. Connect with Sheila on LinkedIn and @heyshockey everywhere.

As a futurist, I spend my days pondering how technology will shape our future, particularly in the realm of local government. From smart cities to AI-powered decision-making tools, the intersection of tech and governance is hotter than a server room in July. Recently, at a local government shindig, a city manager cornered me with a question that would make even Bill Gates scratch his head: “Can AI create better elected officials?” For a moment, I thought he’d been binge-watching “The Terminator” while chugging energy drinks. But no, he was dead serious. Robotic mayors? Is this the future, or have we all collectively lost our motherboards?

VIC: The AI Candidate (Because Human Politicians Weren’t Confusing Enough)

In Cheyenne, WY, this very question leapt from the pages of science fiction into reality faster than you can say “I’ll be back.” Residents found a new name on their list of mayoral candidates: VIC, or Virtual Integrated Citizen. That’s right, folks — an AI created with OpenAI’s GPT model decided to throw its non-existent hat into the ring. When asked for comment, VIC responded via email, presumably because its campaign budget couldn’t stretch to a physical body. Talk about cutting corners on baby-kissing and handshaking!

Why the Idea of Robotic Mayors Isn’t as Far-Fetched as Your Last Tinder Date

At first glance, the idea of a robotic mayor seems as plausible as residents from a suburban single-family neighborhood speaking in support of a new multi-family development. After all, elected officials are chosen to represent the will of the people, navigate complex human emotions, and make decisions based on moral and ethical considerations. You know, all those things we humans excel at… right?

But hold onto your circuit boards, because with AI advancing faster than a politician’s promises on Election Day, some are beginning to wonder if AI could handle certain aspects of leadership better than the real deal. Imagine an AI processing vast amounts of data in real-time, providing evidence-based decisions, and operating without biases. It’s like having a super-intern who never needs coffee breaks or gets caught in embarrassing scandals!

The Role of AI in Supporting, Not Replacing, Leaders (Because Even Skynet Needs HR)

AI might not be ready to replace elected officials, but it can certainly help them become better leaders. Picture an AI system that helps local leaders make data-driven decisions in real-time. It’s not far-fetched — cities are already using AI to optimize traffic patterns, manage utilities, and even predict crime. It’s like having a crystal ball, but with more algorithms and fewer creepy fortune tellers.

Coaching Leaders for the Future (No, Not How to Defeat Killer Robots)

This is where my work as a futurist intersects with coaching city leaders. At the ICMA conference in Pittsburgh, PA, I teamed up with Bill Ebel, retired city manager of Overland Park, KS, teaching city manager leaders to better prepare their elected leaders for the challenges ahead. Spoiler alert: it involves more than just teaching them how to unplug AI if it goes rogue. It takes real work and a deep understanding of humans.

What AI Can — and Can’t — Do for Elected Officials (Besides Writing Speeches and Tweeting at 3 a.m.)

It’s tempting to think AI could take over for our elected officials, but leadership is much more than data and logic. It’s about navigating the messy, emotional, and often contentious world of politics. AI can provide the data, but it’s up to human leaders to provide the empathy, vision, and ability to look constituents in the eye and say, “I feel your pain” without short-circuiting.

The Future of Leadership in Local Government (Now with 50% Less Terminator References!)

So, can AI create the perfect elected official? Not unless we want our town halls to sound like a bad sci-fi movie. But it can certainly help make our human leaders better. When professional staff leverage AI for data analysis, predictive modeling, and operational efficiency, elected officials can make more informed decisions that benefit their communities. At the end of the day, it’s the human element — empathy, ethics, and the ability to enjoy a good cup of coffee — that makes a great leader.

In Cheyenne, VIC might not become mayor anytime soon, but its campaign certainly gives us food for thought. Or should I say, data for processing? Either way, the future of governance is looking more interesting than the season finale of “Black Mirror.” Buckle up, local government professionals — the AI ride’s about to get weirder!

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