Update: The creators of Cards Against Urbanity have generously offer to provide a prototype deck for #ELGL14. You’ll have the chance to offer up your card suggestions during #ELGL14.
“We Built This City on: Hot Hipsters.”
Cards Against Urbanity: The Card Game for Horrible Places
ELGL is in love, and we invite our 616 members to join our love affair. (Sorry for painting such a gross mental picture.) Who is giving us sweaty palms, rosy cheeks, and incredible day dreams? Why it’s a board game, of course. We’ve returned to our days as a 12-year old and wanting to go “steady” with someone, except this time it’s a deck of cards called Cards Against Urbanity. And to them, we offer up our finest multi-colored friendship bracelet and a not-so-fine mix tape of Bel Biv DeVoe and Jodeci songs.
Cards Against Urbanity is a take on the popular game Cards Against Humanity, which most people have played but refuse to admit. Instead of prying into our personal life like Cards Against Humanity, we open up on government soul in Cards Against Urbanity.
Ok, so there’s some bad news, Cards Against Urbanity doesn’t exist – not yet. It’s a kickstarter campaign in need of $7,500 which almost half has been raised. If there is a good thing about not existing, it’s that the creators of Cards Against Urbanity are looking for OUR suggestions. We are the “boots on the ground” (stupid term, when used in non-war related stories) and we have a chance to submit card items.
To raise awareness to the worthy cause of card creation, we are running a “Call for Cards” contest.
Here’s how it works:
- Check out this article: “We built this city on: hot hipsters.”
- Keep reading: “Cards Against Urbanity” is exactly as hilarious as you’d expect
- Read and memorize “Cards Against Urbanity” Kickstarter page
- Brainstorm ideas for cards. Remember: Despite what you’ve been told, there are stupid ideas.
- Submit your ideas to Emily Leuning – emily@sarahhellems.wpengine.com.
- We’ll pass them along to the “Cards Against Urbanity” team.
- ELGL will judge the submittals and award prizes to the top 3 entries.
Once the contest is over, you’re free to return to your normal, mundane bureaucratic life.