Contribute to ELGL Work Life Balance Series

Posted on June 4, 2015

We’re excited to be taking on the fascinating and compelling topic of work-life balance.  We’re currently running a survey on the topic, and now we want you to sign up so we can hear your perspectives! 
Click this link to write for on the #ELGLWorkLife topic – we want you to tell your stories, the stories of your friends, or to share perspectives on anything that can help us and our organizations better manage work/life balance. Your invited to write about any aspect of work life balance that is meaningful to you. Woman, man, parent, non-parent, policy, org culture, etc. – tell us why this is important to you.
Max length is 1000 words.  If you’ve ever thought, “how can I make a difference…” this is your first step toward contributing to the important and meaningful conversations that need to take place.  We can’t wait to learn from YOU!

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