This is an update on Census 2020 and COVID-19 from the CitiesCount listserve:
The below memo shares what we know about a rapidly changing coronavirus disease (COVID-19) response landscape and how it will impact Census Bureau operations, census stakeholder outreach and the well being of communities that have been historically missed in the census.
The health and safety of the communities we serve — as well that of the coalition partners and our staff who are so deeply engaged in this work — is paramount. For years, stakeholders have been preparing for the start of the 2020 Census and now long planned activities may need to shift due to this unanticipated new threat.
We know this is hard work. We are here to strategize and help. It is our hope that the updates laid out in the below distill what we know about a fast moving landscape and spark ideas on how to respond. We are all in this together to ensure that our communities are safe and counted.
On March 13th there was a joint stakeholder/ funder call on updates on census outreach in the wake of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19). A recording of that call is available here (updates on this call are accurate as of March 13 at 1 p.m. ET).
A thank you to Terri Ann Lowenthal, Elena Langworthy from State Voices, Jocelyn Bissonette from the Funders Census Initiative and to all of you for joining and participating in the call. As a reminder, weekly census counts campaign calls will continue on Tuesdays at noon (RSVP at bit.ly/rsvpcensuscall.)
The memo includes:
- Messaging Guidance (Page 1)
- Updates to Census Bureau Operations (Page 2)
- Field Guidance and Resources to Plan Remote and Digital Outreach (Page 6)
- Resources for Funder Engagement (Page 7)