Prepare for #ELGL14 by learning about who is attending. Find out if you’ll be surrounded by soft talkers, loud eaters, and finger biters or whether you’ll be surrounded by the best in local government.
Ethan Cirmo
Portland, OR – Management Analyst
Connect: LinkedIn
(Complete the sentence) #ELGL14 is…..
Registration for #ELGL14 cost $60. If you could use that $60 to buy something else, what would you buy?
Probably beer and cigars. Or maybe groceries, but realistically, beer and cigars.
If #ELGL14 spun off into a music festival, what bands (dead or alive) would you like to see?
- Radiohead
- A Tribe Called Quest
- Peter Gabriel
- Steely Dan
I would call this festival One of These Things is Not Like the Other.
I plan on stalking the Darth Vader Unicycle Bagpipe Man
(Complete the sentence) I feel old when……
…I walk past the mall and think to myself “Pull your damn pants up and stop riding around on a children’s bike.”