Deep Thoughts with Jon Makler, ODOT Principal Planner

Posted on October 16, 2014

ELGL green icon

Prepare for #ELGL14 by learning about who is attending. Find out if you’ll be surrounded by soft talkers, loud eaters, and finger biters or whether you’ll be surrounded by the best in local government.

Jon Makler


Oregon Department of Transportation – Principal Planner

Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter

(Complete the sentence) #ELGL14 is…..going to motivate me.

Registration for #ELGL14 cost $60. If you could use that $60 to buy something else, what would you buy?

Time (aka, a babysitter).

If #ELGL14 spun off into a music festival, what bands (dead or alive) would you like to see?

tumblr_mbecehXKim1rtgem1o1_500As a transportation planner, I’d have to go with Crash Test Dummies, The Cars, Jefferson Airplane.

During your visit to Portland for #ELGL14, how do you plan on “Keeping Portland Weird?”

As a resident, I plan to play “Spot an ELGL visitor” this weekend at Powell’s, Montage and Voodoo Doughnuts.

(Complete the sentence) I feel old when……I fail to make relevant cultural references for the grad students in the planning course I teach.

Deeper Thoughts


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