Demetrius Parker

No. 3

2024 Top Influencers in Local Government

Demetrius Parker

Founder | Trust Leadership Collective | LinkedIn

Demetrius “D” Parker is a natural mentor to others in local government with a gift for inspiring others to grow as leaders, all delivered with enthusiasm, joy, and style.

Demetrius founded Trust Leadership Collective, a firm focused on shifting organizational culture and developing leaders, following a career in local government. What sets Demetrius apart is his ability to make learning effective, enjoyable, and entertaining.

“As best I can tell, Demetrius is somewhat of a cross between a renaissance man and a vocational George Plimpton,” according to a peer.

Drawing on experience as a public servant and U.S. Army veteran, he shares insights into team dynamics to motivate others to pursue personal and professional development. Participants say the workshops he leads keep attendees engaged and invested in their personal and professional growth.

Demetrius advocates for fellow veterans and works to connect other professionals with prior military experience to public administration. By helping to identify opportunities and provide education and information, he serves as a bridge for transitioning military members considering local government careers. Importantly, he is also a resource for educating local government leaders about what veterans can bring to local public agencies.

Demetrius is also known for the ability to find the positive in almost any situation. His enthusiasm is infectious and inspires those around him.

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