Dilly Dilly with Matt Townsend, City of Wichita, Kansas

Posted on January 7, 2018

Mt. Rushmore season is over. It’s time to hear from our members discuss memories from 2017 and what’s ahead for 2018. You can join ELGL here – $15/students, $30/individuals, and $300/businesses & organizations.

Matt Townsend

City of Wichita, Kansas – Management Analyst

Connect: LinkedIn and Twitter

My most memorable moment of 2017: 
Watching my parent’s community (Port Aransas, Tx.) come together to support and help each other in the months that followed Hurricane Harvey.
The most surprising moment of 2017:    
When our City Council voted to add an additional $4 million to the CIP in order to have another swimming pool as part of our Aquatics Master Plan.
My 2017 was made better by….
My awesome family, especially my lovely wife!
My prediction for 2018 Time Person of the Year will be…..
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.


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